Is Your Tree Leaning? Here’s What Duluth, GA, Homeowners Should Know

You might see an interesting looking-tree in your yard and think, “That’s pretty, it adds character!” And it does until it starts leaning toward your house or car. Then it becomes a safety hazard that requires professional tree services in Duluth, GA

Why is my tree leaning? Discover the answer in this guide as well as the dangers of leaning trees and what you can do to stay safe. 

why is my tree leaning

Common Causes of Leaning Trees in Duluth

If you’re dealing with a leaning tree in your yard, you’re probably wondering what’s causing it to tilt in one direction. Common causes include:

  • Root problems: Excess moisture can cause roots to lose the ability to pull oxygen from the soil. This will cause root rot and fungal infections. Another root issue can occur when roots grow together in a large clump instead of spreading out and anchoring the tree properly.
  • Wind impact: Strong winds can cause root damage and pull trees out of the ground completely. 
  • Structural or planting problems: If you use improper planting techniques, your tree may have a growth imbalance that creates structural weakness.

Five Signs a Leaning Tree in Your Yard Is Dangerous

Drooping or swaying trees don’t always pose a danger. However, it’s important to pinpoint when the vegetation in your yard presents safety risks. Look out for the following signs that you have a dangerous tree on your property. 

1. It Undergoes Sudden Changes

You should only worry about a sagging tree if you notice sudden shifts, like drastic changes in its position over days or weeks.

2. Environmental Factors Trigger Leaning

Check on all the suspicious-looking trees on your property after a big storm to see if their position changes. Make sure to check the soil at the base for cracks and other signs of erosion. 

3. It’s Near Other Structures

Instead of asking “Why is my tree leaning?” it’s important to take action and remove it. This is especially true if it’s leaning toward your house or walkways where somebody could get hurt. 

4. Poor Tree Conditions

Check the tree for fungi and insects like aphids, borers, spider mites, and caterpillars. Pests and mushrooms can deteriorate the structure and increase the risk of it falling over.

5. External Stressors Occur

Periods of heavy rain can oversaturate the ground and cause soil erosion, leaving the roots exposed and at risk of being damaged. 

What Should I Do About A Leaning Tree?

Duluth homeowners often have three options for dealing with a leaning tree. These include:

  • Fix it: Arborists can stabilize leaning trees with stakes or cables. 
  • Remove it: Removing hazardous trees makes your property safer. 
  • Leave it: As long as an arborist deems the tree safe, you can leave it as-is and monitor any changes.

Address Leaning Trees in Duluth With Georgia Tree Company

If you’re still asking yourself, “Why is my tree leaning?” reach out to Georgia Tree Company. We’ll help you identify hazardous tree signs and make your property safer. Call 404-990-0010 to schedule a free consultation today.

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