Can a Fallen Tree Stand Back Up in Milton, GA?

If a tree falls in your yard, you might think you’ll have to call a tree care company to remove it. Surprisingly, tree removal isn’t always necessary. So can a fallen tree stand back up?

With the right help of a qualified local tree service in Milton, GA, like Georgia Tree Company, it’s possible to save a fallen tree. Still, the recovery of a toppled tree depends on several factors, which you can learn about below. 

Why Trees Fall

Having trees on your property adds to the landscape’s visual appeal. Being around them is calming to many people, even in the winter. So it can be heartbreaking to realize one of your glorious trees is no longer standing upright. 

That can happen for several reasons including:

  • Poor Tree Health: Physical damage, tree diseases, and pest infestations can compromise the tree’s structural integrity. 
  • Inadequate Soil Conditions: Earthy soil and clay is better at holding up massive trees than sandy soil.
  • Severe Weather: It’s common for severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, and tornados to knock down trees.

Can Downed Trees Stand Back Up?

So can a fallen tree stand back up? Yes, it can. If a healthy tree with a stable root system falls, it could use that roof network to move back into its upright position gradually.

If intense winds push the tree over yet one side of its root plate, the pressure on the other side of the root network will act as a counterbalance. Sometimes heavy trees break before they return to their vertical position. 

Factors Contributing to Fallen Trees Standing Back Upright

If a tree topples in your yard, you shouldn’t wait for it to return to its original position. It might stand back up; if it does, it could fall again. The likeliness of a tree fully recovering from a fall depends on several factors including:

  • Age: Younger trees have better chances of recovering from a fall than bigger, mature trees. 
  • Weight: The tree’s weight plays a major role in its ability to self-correct a fall or lean, especially if it has many heavy branches near its top.
  • Species: Some tree species are more resilient than others, making it easier to stand back up after falling.
  • Damage: The severity and extent of the damage will determine if the tree can stand up after a fall. Exposed roots and serious trunk cracks usually mean that the tree won’t get back upright.

Turn to Milton’s Top Tree Service for Help with Your Fallen Tree

The answer to “Can a fallen tree stand back up?” might be surprising. Still, you should contact our Georgia Tree Company professionals if it happens to a tree in your yard. Our trusted tree service and fully licensed and certified tree care experts provide comprehensive services to Milton, Georgia residents including trimming overgrown trees, tree removal, tree risk assessments, and stump grinding.

Our crew also has plenty of experience helping customers navigate homeowners insurance claims for property damage due to fallen trees. We’re ready to help, so call (404) 990-0010 today for your free estimate. 

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