Do Trees Die of Old Age? 

If your yard is home to a decades-old tree, you might worry about its longevity. Protect your old favorite with help from a professional tree service in Buford, GA

Georgia Tree Company offers careful maintenance to keep your treasured specimen healthy for as long as possible.  

do trees die of old age

How Tree Aging Works 

While marveling at an ancient oak or juniper, it’s easy to wonder: Do trees die of old age?   

These incredible plants can thrive for centuries, with some species living over 1,500 years in old growth forests. However, the older they get, the more vulnerable they become to deadly environmental risks. 

Plant cells don’t age. Even in aging trees, the tissue is living. This is why when branches or roots are severed, new ones grow in their place.  

This living system corrects itself to accommodate for loss, maintaining a balance of roots and shoots. This may seem like the key to immortality, but natural tree death is inevitable as the healing slows down over time. 

When a storm breaks an older limb, the wound will heal, but not as fast as it once could. This leaves it susceptible to disease and pests.  

The accumulation of damage and repair over a tree’s lifespan also structurally weakens it. These weak points are the first to break during a storm. 

Finally, mature and healthy trees often outgrow those around them. While this sounds like a good thing, it means they are more likely to be struck by lightning.  

So, trees don’t technically die of old age. They simply share the human tendency to bounce back slower and face greater challenges as the years go by, as tree stress and aging go hand in hand.

Factors Affecting Tree Age 

Age isn’t the only influence on these plants’ longevity.  

Tree lifespans also depend on the genetics of a given species. Not every backyard variety will withstand centuries, even with perfect conditions and careful maintenance. To find a long-term addition to your property, ask an arborist to advise you on the heartiest varieties.  

Other factors that influence longevity include: 

Natural Competition 

All plants naturally compete for resources like water and sunlight. On wooded properties, smaller trees may struggle below a canopy of mature branches. Bear this in mind if planting near a wooded area.

Heartwood Decay 

Heartwood is the sturdy inner wood that makes up the trunk and limbs. Over time, the outer growth compresses these inner layers. The resulting strength supports the weight of upward growth. 

Older trunks and limbs become a fall risk when this material weakens. 

Contact Georgia Tree Company 

Georgia Tree Company can help if you’re staring at an aged specimen in your yard and wondering: Is my tree dead? Our expert arborists offer thorough health inspections and protective maintenance to slow tree health decline. 

Buford, GA, locals trust Georgia Tree Company to deliver high-quality services. Our reliable team can tackle any job of any size. Consult the experts for everything from routine pruning to emergency removal. 

If you’re still wondering, “Do trees die of old age?” get started today to preserve your greenery for tomorrow. Request a free quote online or by calling (404) 990-0010.  

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